Προβολή Ανακοίνωσης
Civis Webinar: CBCT in endodontics - 13 June 2022
CBCT in orthograde and endodontic retreatment and microsurgery
The webinar will discuss the clinical advantages of incorporating CBCT in the endodontics procedure not only for diagnosis and treatment plan but also in other steps of the procedure including access cavity, guided therapy, determination of working length, and case assessment. 3d cleaning and obturation, follow us orthograde pretreatments and surgical endodontics. The differences between traditional 2d radiography and 3d will be explained, including a discussion about ALARA and European guidelines.
Practical details
This webinar is related to the medical/dental field. It is open to Bachelor's, Master & PhD students and academics at CIVIS member universities.
The webinar will be held online on 13 June 2022,12.30-14.30 CEST. on Google Meet https://meet.google.com/ayy-rmwp-zkv(Free Registration Required: https://forms.gle/rts8KcT1aYUhcyGJ8 )
Main topics addressed
- Endodontic treatment
- Endodontic retreatment
- Microsurgery
This 2-hour webinar will improve participants' knowledge of these topics.
If you have any questions, please contact Umberto Romeo from Sapienza Università di Roma.