Προβολή Ανακοίνωσης
CED-IADR - Call to all young researchers!
The CED-IADR grants 4 Research Awards during its annual meetings: ‘My First Research’ Poster Award, the Robert Frank JUNIOR Award, the Robert Frank SENIOR Award in the category Basic Science Research and the Robert Frank SENIOR Award in the category Clinical Research.
This year, the Awards Competition will take place in Rhodes on September 20, 2023, the day before the actual congress starts. Entrants are strongly advised to bear this in mind when making travel arrangements.
- CED-IADR Robert Frank Award Competition - JUNIOR is reserved for undergraduate students studying for their first university degree. Please note that those who received a dental or other (medical) university degree before application do not qualify for this category.
- CED-IADR Robert Frank Award Competition - SENIOR/Basic ScienceResearch is meant for post-dental/medical, post-graduate and Ph.D. students or up to 3-year Postdoc’s (maximum 3 years after Ph.D. defence at the time of application). Laboratory or animal research studies are eligible for this category.
- CED-IADR Robert Frank Award Competition - SENIOR/Clinical Research is for post-dental/medical, post-graduate and Ph.D. students or up to 3-year Postdoc’s (maximum 3 years after Ph.D. defence at the time of application). Research on human subjects or involving epidemiology are eligible for this category.
In each category, up to two prizes will be awarded, consisting of a first prize of 1000 € + 1 year free membership and a second prize of 500 € + 1 year free membership.
- The CED-IADR 'My First Research' Poster Award - is reserved for young investigators presenting their first research experience in Poster format.
In this category, up to two prizes will be awarded, consisting of a first prize of 500 € + 1 year free membership and a second prize of 300 € + 1 year free membership.
Entry to the Award Competition is made when submitting an abstract to the Abstract submission page
Up to three of the CED-IADR 'Robert Frank Award’ winners will be selected by the jury to represent CED-IADR at the IADR Unilever Hatton Award Competition during the next year General Session & Exhibition of IADR.
Abstract submission will close on April 21, 2023.
All entrants must read the eligibility criteria given in the details for each Award. Within your application you will be required to confirm that you meet the general eligibility requirements. (see eligibility statement below).
Eligibility statements can be consulted here:
For all questions, please contact us at ced.iadr[at]uzleuven[dot]be or info[at]ced-iadr2023[dot]com.